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Water Testing and Our Team!

Our U.S. team has officially all returned from Nigeria! We were able to get so much accomplished on our trip to Anambra State. We also assembled an awesome, capable team of individuals living in Nigeria to assist us in our future endeavors. We want to formally introduce Raluchukwu Odimegwu, Project Manager and Kenechukwu Odimegwu, Nigeria Logistics Manager to the Exquisite Water team!

During our trip we tested water in three different areas and three different water sources, a river bed, a borehole, and a spring, that are in use by people in villages at this very moment. It was an eye-opening experience to be able to go to these places and talk to the people in the villages about their thoughts on the current water sources.

Exqusite Water Director Amanda Sunny and Nigeria Logistics Manager Kenechukwu Odimegwu testing water in a river near a rura village in Anambra State.

The first place we tested was a river close to a village. The water sources that people use are often filtered into the river. Since it is rainy season in Nigeria, there was an abundance of rain that day. It wasn’t ideal, but the team was still able to get the job done. The water testing was very successful and they were able to get a clear understanding of the types of harmful bacteria and chemicals that were lurking in the water sources.

The second site was at Onyedibe spring in Ukpo town, Anambra State, Nigeria. We were able to test the spring as well as speak to the Ukpo Town Representative and Liaison, Okoye Nnajiofor. He helped us understand some of the problems facing the town and explain the daily habits of the people there.We were troubled by a lot of the things we found in the water and it propelled us to take action right away.

From Left to Right, Kenechukwu Odimegwu, Exquisite Water Nigeria Logistics, Raluchukwu Odimegwu, ExquisiteWater Project Manager, Amanda Sunny, ExquisiteWater Director, and Okoye Nnajiofor ‘John’, Ukpu Town Indigen and Representative and Liaison.

The final site we visited was a borehole in a village that many people use as their main water source. We were told the water was moderately filtered, but we decided to go ahead and test them. We were also able to talk to some of the people that use it to get their water everyday and get their opinion about the water source.

We got in contact with the Ministry of Public Utilities and Water Resource Management in Awka, the capital of Anambra State. They were very interested in our findings and enthusiastic about taking a step towards cleaning up the water in the area.

In addition to testing the water we were also able to test prototypes of different water filters that can be used for a extended period of time. We tested three different types of water filters and were thrilled at the results.They all showed very promising results in filtering large amounts of water and being durable for many different types of environments.

We will continue to test these filters and hopefully begin to work with the village heads to slowly implement them in the villages. Our second trip was very successful and we hope to continue our efforts with the help of our Nigeria team and the villages we are working with.

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